The 25th Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation in Windhoek this week is expected to discuss matters pertaining to the region's security as well as sending troops to countries in conflict.

The Deputy Executive Director and Head of Multi-lateral Relations and Cooperation Department in the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, Jerobeam Shaanika, explained that the troops to be sent should not be confused with the Force Intervention Brigade contributed by individual countries.

"There is a SADC Organ Troika, there is a SADC Troika; there is also a troop contributing countries to the force intervention brigade; now the discussion is ongoing and decisions will be taken during the summit; this decision will involve all member states."

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) will be holding its national elections on December 20 , and Shaanika was asked whether there is a possibility of postponing the elections should the armed conflict escalate.

"I don't think it is a SADC matter to decide if the elections are going to take place or not; the country as an institution will take a decision, but what SADC is doing is assisting to ensure that the conditions are there to enable those elections to take place."

With regard to the conflict in Mozambique, Shaanika said the interventions from SADC has stabilised the situation in that country.

"Of course, there are still pockets of those insurgents in other places, but we have learned that they have changed their tactics, meaning they have found it very difficult to continue the way they started."

He stated that one of the decisions expected to be taken at the meeting will be to extend SADC's mandate in Mozambique for another 12 months.

The Ordinary Meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation will officially open this Thursday.



Lucy Nghifindaka