The Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Anna Nghipondoka, urged the newly appointed board members to prioritise transparency and foster collaborative efforts for the promising future of NAMCOL.

In inaugurating the nine-member board, Nghipondoka mentioned that the Ministry envisions NAMCOL's evolution into an open university.

Dr. Herta Ndatengomwa Pomuti and Tonata Uwanga were re-appointed.

Evelyn Namoya, David Jarrett, Rachel Kalipi, Evelina Nsinano, John Kauhanda, Dr. Heroldt Murangi, and Sanet Steenkamp are new members of the board of directors.

"Members of the new board of governors, corporate governance, especially in a country like Namibia, is not just a necessity but a moral imperative. It ensures that NAMCOL operates ethically, transparently, and in full compliance with the laws of our land."

Nghipondoka stated that while the aspiration of establishing NAMCOL as a university is in progress, their dedication to secondary education remains steadfast.

She also highlighted several crucial pillars that will shape NAMCOL's initiatives, including ensuring equal access to quality education, enhancing business performance and financial management, improving information and communication systems, and bolstering marketing and brand management efforts.

"Promoting good corporate governance, research, and innovation in a rapidly evolving world, research and Innovation are the cornerstones of progress. Alongside these, a strong foundation of corporate governance ensures transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making."



Lucia Nghifindaka