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Swakopmund Municipal Council has extended Chief Executive Officer Archie Benjamin's contract for another five years. 
Mayor Dina Namubes says Benjamin has played a major role in driving positive change and progress in the municipality.

According to the Swakopmund Municipal Council, the Chief Executive Officer's leadership, dedication, and profound commitment to the community were among the main reasons his contract was extended.

"During your first five years, Benjamin, you have achieved far more than what was expected; hence, our decision to renew your contract was not a daunting task. The success of this organisation can be celebrated as a result of your hard work, dedication, and passion."

Described by many as a visionary leader, Benjamin started his career as a teacher and has further gained extensive experience and knowledge in administration.

Since joining the municipality in 2018, Benjamin says a lot of milestones have been reached, including the creation of a five-year strategic plan, a structure plan, and a bulk infrastructure master plan.

Benjamin added that the municipality has made strides in delivering land and housing, bulk infrastructure upgrades, and the creation of tertiary institutions.

"Council has allocated land to over 1500 beneficiaries under the Build Together, DRC ownership project, mass housing, 40/40 projects, and private. This does not include the various private projects across town. Very soon, like next month, 89 beneficiaries will receive houses under the mass housing project. A further 246 beneficiaries from the DRC, DRC seaside, and DRC proper will receive land as part of council's decongestion process within the following two months, pending council's approval. Additionally, council has allocated land to developers such as Block Nine, Quintessential Limited, and Eddy Angula."

The CEO says during his tenure, significant investment into sewerage infrastructure was made to address issues of sanitation, open defecation, and sewerage overflows.

He urged his colleagues to do their part in turning Swakopmund into a leading smart city with excellent services.



Renate Rengura