The Deputy Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Faustina Caley, is steadfast in her argument that there is no need for additional legislation concerning the provision of free sanitary materials to schoolgirls.

Caley was ready to provide reasons for her objection in the National Assembly on Wednesday, but the Speaker told her that she is under no obligation in terms of the rules of the house.

Her objection speech to PDM President McHenry Venaani's bill for the provision of sanitary pads to schoolgirls has now been distributed.

Caley said Chapter Three of the Basic Education Act 3 of 2020 tasks the Minister of Education to take all reasonable measures to ensure that basic necessities such as shelter, water, food, light, ventilation, sanitary facilities, and access to emergency medical care are provided for in all schools in Namibia.

It also mandated the ministry, in consultation with the minister responsible for health, to develop an appropriate school health policy that incorporates the Integrated School Health Programme, which includes the quality and equitable distribution of resources, care, and support services to all learners.

In her explanation, the Deputy Minister of Education, Art, and Culture made reference to these provisions to justify and object to additional legislation, saying the existing one caters to the sanitary needs of the learners.

Foustina Caley argued that the existing guidelines on the administration of school finances, which require schools to allocate funds for the "dignity project," also include the provision of sanitary pads.



Serafia Nadunya