So much has been said about service delivery and development, and technocrats have much to do with it.

The Secretary to Cabinet, Dr. George Simataa, did not mince his words when he told the Executive Directors and Chief Regional Officers that they are much relied on for development in their areas, particularly remote areas.

It was a robust discussion, where the EDs and CROs took to the podium and presented not only what their offices are busy with but also suggested solutions for proper sanitation and access to potable water.

The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development has a community-led sanitation concept that works with the regional councils, who serve as implementers.

A prime example is Ondingwanyama Village in the Ohangwena Region.

It is one of a few villages in the area that have been declared open-defecation-free.

The unaffordability of clean water, the wastage of rainwater that could be harvested for dry days, and the need to clear streams were all identified as issues in need of evaluation.

The need for access to water goes beyond consumption to agricultural production, a requirement for improved food security. 

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Laimi Hainghumbi