Alcohol and drug abuse are some of the key factors leading to gender-based violence (GBV), hence the need for more awareness campaigns and advocacy to root out social ills.

This sentiment was shared at an event on the 16 days of activism at Leonardville in Omaheke's Aminuis constituency.

The station commander at Leonardville Police Station, Chief Inspector Lina Binga, emphasised that ending gender-based violence amongst communities should be everyone's responsibility.

Chief Inspector Binga advocates for more seasonal activism and has appealed for funding from government and non-governmental organisations to assist with advocacy.

The Ministry of Gender Equality's Community Liaisons Officer, Ngunandjamo Hambira, says public education is key to tackling GBV.

Omaheke Governor Pijoo Nganate also spoke against alcohol abuse.
''I'm calling upon the chief inspector; like in a small village like Leonardville, we don't have any reason to have bottle stores open twenty-four seven. We must go to sleep in town. Bottle stores are closing at six. We cannot create two types of worlds in one country: the world of chaos and the world of order.''


Photo Credits
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Ngarije Kavari