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A traditional priest of the Otji-Mungunda Clan at Toasis Village in the Aminuis Constituency, Vetara Mungendje, says that Namibia has been robbed of an exceptional person with a special sense of humility in preserving tradition and culture.

The late president Geingob pushed for the memorial shrine at Hosea Kutako homestead, something that will be remembered in the history of Namibia.

Ondangere Vetara Mungendje spoke to the nbc News team at Toasis Village in the Aminuis Constituency.

Ondangere Vetara Mungendje said the late President Hage Geingob did tremendous work at Toasis Village, ensuring that a shrine was set up to honour the late Ombara Hosea Kutako at his homestead.

That act, Mungendje says, will be inscribed in the book of the nation's history.

Today, Toasis has access to electricity and a bitumen standard road, a testament to the late Geingob's development promise to his people.

The traditional priest added that he is pained that the president's stated wish to inaugurate the Hosea Kutako Shrine before his term of office came to an end may not be fulfilled.

"We are shocked, today we have lost a head of state. It was very painful, and now we are wondering whether what he left behind will be taken care of. Our wish has been that he might open this new development. I remember he flew from Botswana to this village and met the late Mungendje, and maybe this was their last meeting. He also accorded him an official funeral, so a lot has happened here."

Another descendant of the late Hosea Kutako, Karipi Uazikiza, said it was difficult to describe the late President Geingob, adding that Toasis Village was always close to his heart.

He added that the late Geingob showed true love and dedication towards the late Ombara Hosea Kutako.

"I have been thinking that if possible, the government would be kind and bring him here before the burial, just like we did to the late paramount chief Riruako, as most of my fellow pensioners are here mourning the late president, and maybe this will also make us understand that truly indeed he is gone, but if it does not materialise and provided that transport is provided, some of us will travel to Windhoek to go witness the burial.

Another pensioner at Orevia village, Rauna Ndaumbwa, said that she is still finding it hard to understand that President Geingob is no more, as he has been a beacon of hope to many elderly citizens.

"In order to inherit peace and collaboration from our leader, we must humble ourselves with this peace and pray for the Almighty to help us accept the loss just in the same way that he had blessed us with the late president's life."

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Ngarije Kavari