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MICT Minister commends nbc


The Minister of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), Emma Theofelus, has commended the national broadcaster for its excellent coverage during the mourning period of the late President Hage Geingob.

Theofelus visited the nbc today and expressed gratitude to the dedicated staff.

The minister praised the corporation for its pivotal role in broadcasting crucial events.

Namibia has recorded 52 air crash fatalities since 2008


Namibia has recorded 52 air crash fatalities since 2008.

The Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigations Department says it is working to ensure that it conforms to international safety laws.

The country today joined the global community in observing the International Day for Commemorating Air Crash Victims and Their Families. 

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) designated February 20 as the official day for commemorating air crash victims and their families.

Erongo Business Community celebrates late Geingob's life


The business community in the Erongo Region gathered in numbers to pay respect to the one many refer to as a fallen giant, the late President Hage Geingob at Walvis Bay.

The colours black and white painted the hall as far as the eye could see, with mourners celebrating the late president's life and legacy by lighting candles.

They sang worship melodies and delivered messages of condolences and hope.

The Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville Andre, described the late Geingob as a visionary leader and a unifier of those in the Namibian House.

Dr. Geingob's value of unity should live on beyond his death


The memorial service for the late President, Hage Geingob saw an outpouring of sentimental tributes from various dignitaries and performers at the Independence Arena in Katutura. 

The Director of the Law Society of Namibia, Neliswa Tjahikika, highlighted President Geingob's instrumental role in the drafting of the Namibian Constitution. 

Fishing sector indebted to Geingob


Key players in the country's fishing sector say they are indebted to the late President Hage Geingob for saving it from imminent collapse, especially at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Geingob's intervention to keep the fishing sector running when most of the sectors were closing down saved jobs and the Namibian economy alike.

The fisheries sector is among Namibia's key foreign income earners and among the largest employers.

Toasis residents thank Geingob for Hosea Kutako Shrine


A traditional priest of the Otji-Mungunda Clan at Toasis Village in the Aminuis Constituency, Vetara Mungendje, says that Namibia has been robbed of an exceptional person with a special sense of humility in preserving tradition and culture.

The late president Geingob pushed for the memorial shrine at Hosea Kutako homestead, something that will be remembered in the history of Namibia.

Ondangere Vetara Mungendje spoke to the nbc News team at Toasis Village in the Aminuis Constituency.

Geingob believed and promoted youth into leadership - NANSO


Youth in the Office of the President singled out their late President Hage Geingob's track record of involving young people in decision-making bodies and putting them in leadership positions as a unique characteristic.

From NANSO's leadership to the Presidential Youth Advisor and the youngest Swapo Constituency Counsellor of Windhoek West, all hailed the late President for his role and involvement in uplifting young people during nbc's special tribute programme.

They further say that the president was consultative and believed in the power of young people.

Kaptein Herbert George Britz of Rehoboth Baster community celebrates Geingob's life


Kaptein Herbert George Britz of the Rehoboth Baster community has described President Dr. Hage Geingob's life as complete in his service and purpose on earth and as a servant of the people. 

Britz joined traditional leaders from all over Namibia who continue to celebrate Geingob's life and legacy.

Flanked by his Kaptein's council members, Kaptein Britz said Sunday, May 4, was a dark day for the Baster Community and all Namibians.

Gaob |Gaseb describes late Geingob as someone who enjoyed humour


The Chairperson of the Council of Traditional Leaders, Gaob Immanuel |Gaseb, has expressed his sympathies to former First Lady Monica Geingos, her children, and family.

|Gaseb, as the Chairperson of the Council of Traditional Leaders in Namibia, was among those who offered their condolences and sympathies to the family of the late Dr. Geingob at the private residence, Casa Rosalia, on the outskirts of Windhoek.

He also described the late Geingob as someone who enjoyed humour, had faith in people, and offered them opportunities.