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Key players in the country's fishing sector say they are indebted to the late President Hage Geingob for saving it from imminent collapse, especially at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Geingob's intervention to keep the fishing sector running when most of the sectors were closing down saved jobs and the Namibian economy alike.

The fisheries sector is among Namibia's key foreign income earners and among the largest employers.

Tunacor's Managing Director, Peya Hitula, says the country lost a visionary and selfless leader who had the interest of the country at heart.

"At the beginning, everybody panicked, and I think that's where the true leadership of His Excellency, Dr. Hage Geingob, came to the fore, whereby he rallied the support of his ministers, the Minister of Trade, the Minister of Fisheries, and the Minister of Justice, as well, to firstly ensure that there's legislation in place that will be able to assist us, the Minister of Health, to ensure that we have the necessary infrastructure that can really assist and accommodate patients during that time, allowing core businesses to function."

Hitula says Geingob advocated for local participation in all sectors of the economy.

On his part, Chairperson of the Confederation of Namibia Fishing Associations and Namibia Hake Association Matti Amukwa says Geingob valued consultation.

"It shows you that whatever you do, you need to consult all the stakeholders, and not after the damage has been done, you come and try to rectify the damage, so I learned from him that he is a person who likes consultations, and consultation is key in whatever we do if it involves all the stakeholders. That's one of the examples I can give as an encounter I have had with the late His Excellency the President."

Amukwa remembers receiving a phone call from Geingob following a letter he wrote to him on the concerns of the fishing quota auction.

Among others, Amukwa says Geingob leaves behind a legacy of giving, caring for the less privileged, and being an ardent advocate for social and economic development.

Tunacor Group group employees to offer their sympathies. 

"The news of his death found us here working on Sunday. We were touched so much by his passing, he played an important role in maintaining peace in this country until today. We wish strength to Madam Geingos, her family, and all Namibians."

"We want to say that we, as Namibians, will stand together and be united because we know that our president was a good man, he was a person who cared for his nation, and we are going to take Namibia to another level, but we thank God that he is going to be with our first lady and the entire family."

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Chris Kupulo