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Tensions within the Namibia Paralympic Committee (NPC) have come to the forefront, with NPC Treasurer Jean-Paul Schmidt challenging Secretary General Michael Hamukwaya's claims of unity within the organization.

Despite Hamukwaya's recent affirmations of cohesion, allegations of internal conflict persist within the NPC. Schmidt, a key figure within the Executive Committee, presents a contrasting viewpoint, highlighting discord and governance issues within the committee.

During an interview with NBC Sport, Schmidt raised concerns about what he perceives as a dictatorial leadership style and the dismissal of resolutions put forth by the Executive Committee during a board meeting earlier this year.

Adding to the controversy, Schmidt alleges that the President and Secretary General are intentionally delaying a proposed Special Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for June 2024, further exacerbating the rift within the committee.

Schmidt expressed his dissatisfaction, stating, "Resolutions agreed upon at the Otjiwarongo board meeting have been disregarded. The Executive Committee is troubled by the leadership approach and the lack of transparency."

In response to these developments, the Executive Committee and coaches convened on April 11th to address the ongoing challenges. NBC Sport eagerly anticipates updates on the outcomes of their discussions as the NPC grapples with internal strife and seeks a path forward.



Castro Uulumbu