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The Executive Director of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Ben Nangombe, urged nurses to carry out their work with love, diligence, and care.

Ben Nangombe made the appeal during an early International Nurses Day celebration in the capital. 

Nangombe says the day provides an opportunity for nurses to reflect on how to positively impact and better serve the nation.

He says that back in the day, nurses were regarded as angels and must therefore avoid compromising this notion when it comes to providing health care services.

"We have done so well in so many areas despite the challenges we face, but we can do better, and I believe we can do better. I say the provision of health services in this country, upon which 85% of the population depends, rests on our shoulders. It's on your shoulders; nobody else can do it for us. We must do it as stakeholders in this room, so we are looking up to you nurses as pillars, as the cornerstones of health care service in this country, to do whatever is necessary to improve and strengthen the provision of health services."

Nangombe reminded Namibians that everyone has a part to play in transforming the health sector.

The Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Utjiua Muinjangue, says the ministry will continue to make efforts to provide quality services. 

"There is no doubt that strategic investments in healthcare, including nursing, can yield significant economic and societal benefits. These include reduced mortality rates, a lower incidence of preventable diseases, reduced hospital admissions and readmissions, as well as increased life expectancy, to mention but a few. It is for this reason that the MoHSS deems it important to support nursing education, training, and staffing, as this can lead to improved health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs associated with preventable illnesses as we seek to do more with less."

The Nurses Manager at Katutura Stae Hospital, Elizabeth Hamwaanyena, says the public needs to support nurses to have a healthy community. 
"The economic power of care cannot be understated beyond the measurable value we bring to patient lives. We nurses play a significant role in driving the economy, and our expertise reduces hospital readmissions. I think that's a fact; it improves patient outcomes and enhances overall efficiency in healthcare delivery."

With the burning of candles, the nurses present who attended the event reaffirmed their commitment to caring for the sick and to continuing to be true to their profession.



Lucia Nghifindaka