

Namibia is in the process of developing an ammonia bunkering hub and a green hydrogen-powered train to decarbonise shipping and long-haul logistics routes.

President Nangolo Mbumba says this would ensure that goods and commodities transported via the country's port infrastructure minimise both scope 2 and scope 3 emissions.

President Mbumba outlined Namibia's ambitious plans during an address at the World Hydrogen 2024 summit and exhibition, underway in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

He says Namibia has always harboured a desire to become an indispensable logistics hub for the Southern African region.

The Head of State lauded the tireless work of the government through the Green Hydrogen Council to position Namibia as the primary leader in the global market for green hydrogen and its contributions to other industries.

"Our newly developed green industrialization blueprint further illustrates how green hydrogen can be used to add value to minerals sourced from within our borders and indeed the continent. In Namibia, we plan to produce green direct reduced iron, a key low-carbon ingredient that promises to decarbonise the steel industry, which, according to the International Energy Agency, contributes to more than 8% of global emissions."

The development of the ammonia bunkering hub is projected to increase the competitiveness of Walvis Bay and Luderitz as harbours of choice for key exporters and importers.

Dr. Mbumba says the hub would elevate the competitiveness of regional goods and augment the African Continental Free Trade Area.

The far-reaching benefits of the new industry were further emphasised by the late President Hage Geingob, whom Dr. Mbumba commended as having recognised in early 2021 the catalytic role the sector can play in reconstructing the Namibian economy. 

"Today, I stand before you all to pay tribute to his great vision, which reminds me of the old Greek proverb that states, 'Blessed are those who plant trees under whose shade they will never sit.' President Geingob was one such visionary who planted a tree under whose shade he will never sit but shall transform the lives of millions of people and turn their dreams of prosperity into reality. As a result of his tireless efforts, today Namibia hosts nine hydrogen projects across two developing hydrogen valleys, with the potential for a third valley to be anchored by its abundant iron ore potential."

As countries capitalise on hydrogen deals and project developments, the need for relevant technology is also heightened.

Tech-producing countries are pledging to deploy investment-backed policy reforms in this regard.

Namibia will host the African Global Green Hydrogen Summit from the 3rd to the 5th of September this year.

President Mbumba invited industry stakeholders from across the world, emphasising that infrastructure producing hydrogen, synthetic fuels, fertilisers, and reduced iron would be showcased to illustrate the practical applications of a hydrogen economy.

Photo Credits
Photo credit: Absai Haiduwa


Blanche Goreses