Keetmanshoop Municipality employee Hansina Isaacks is threatening legal action after her employer failed to adjust her salary and benefits after she was promoted to a higher rank.

She argues that the unpaid salary and benefits she is entitled to amount to N$1.3 million. 

Acting on behalf of Isaacks, Kahiriri Consultancy, in a letter of demand dated June 3, demanded the municipality pay the outstanding amount within fourteen days or face legal action. 

The consultancy states that their client was appointed as Chief Administrative Officer on Grade 5 level in 2011. 

The said appointment, however, was unjustly terminated in August 2013, she says, and subsequently, Isaacks was reappointed to the position of HR Coordinator on the D1 level in February 2015. 

The consultancy states that their client was entitled to retrospective salary and benefit payments, including housing, transport, cellphone, and car allowances, as well as bonuses, from September 2013 to January 2015.

The amount should also include the difference between salaries paid at D1 grading versus D3, which totals N$1.3 million. 

McDonald Hanse, Mayor of Keetmanshoop, confirmed receiving the demand letter. 

"I can acknowledge receiving that letter on June 3, 2024, and since it was backdated to 2013, we forwarded it to our SE HR to follow it up. So we informed him that we want feedback within a week, and only then can I respond or reply."

Hanse further said the council would need time to interrogate the letter, as Isaack's demand caught them by surprise.



Luqman Cloete