Five new diplomatic Heads of Mission accredited to Namibia have reiterated their commitment to strengthening relations with Namibia.

The diplomats presented their letters of credence to President Nangolo Mbumba at State House on Wednesday.

This marks the official start of their respective diplomatic tenures in Namibia.

The new diplomats are Argentina's Claudio Pérez Paladino, Aftab Hasan Khan from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and Ntsime Victor Jafeta from Lesotho.

Ali Saad Alkahtani is from Saudi Arabia, while Alberto Vecchi is the Head of Mission for Italy.

All the diplomats are non-resident and concurrently accredited to Namibia and other countries in the SADC region.

Namibia's Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Peya Mushelenga, pointed out that President Mbumba is clear on the pursuit of economic diplomacy in line with the revised foreign policy.

Dr. Mushelenga said key areas of interest are agriculture, energy, trade, and investment.

Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


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