

Starting tomorrow, electricity tariffs in various towns will increase. However, this does not apply to Nored and the City of Windhoek, as they failed to comply with regulatory directives from the Electricity Control Board by June 27.

In order to gauge public opinion on the potential electricity tariff hikes that will be implemented once approved, nbc's reporter Johanna !Uri≠khostook took to the streets of Windhoek. All the views shared expressed concern about the tariff hike in an already tough economy.

Nored's non-compliance was a result of its failure to submit audited financial statements for the 2022 financial year, while the City of Windhoek did not adequately explain how it would protect its electricity department.

Despite these issues, Windhoek residents remain worried about the impact of potential tariff hikes once compliance is achieved, particularly the pensioners in the community.

Meanwhile, community activist Shaun Gariseb has initiated an online petition against electricity tariffs that has gained significant momentum from the public. Currently, approximately two thousand people have signed the petition.

The purpose of the petition is to urge the minister to review the approval of the electricity rates.

Once the compliance issues are addressed, Nored and the City of Windhoek will be granted tariff increases of 7.9% and 6.6%, respectively.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Johanna !Uri#khos