President Nangolo Mbumba is to engage the leadership of the Kunene Regional Council and Urban and Rural Development Minister, Erastus Uutoni, in a bid to resolve an impasse between the two parties.

This follows a complaint by the Chairperson of the Council and UDF President, Hendrick Gaobaeb, about an alleged lack of cooperation by the minister.

The impasse between the Minister and the regional council stems from the reinstatement of the Chief Regional Officer of the Kunene Region, George Kamseb, by the Council in 2022.

Kamseb was suspended in 2016 for alleged misappropriation of microfinance and One Region One Initiative funds, as well as taking unauthorised trips.

However, through back-and-forth court cases, Kamseb was re-instated, with the Ministry objecting to the reinstatement.

The regional council now wants the presidency to intervene, accusing the minister of a lack of cooperation because of the ongoing court case. 

"We scheduled an appointment with him to discuss the issue, but he refused, citing it as sub judice. We convened another meeting, but he greeted us and walked out. The minister has procedurally approved us to use private lawyers, and he is also using private lawyers, both paid by the government. This is a waste of resources," said Gaobaeb.

President Mbumba promised to engage the line minister, adding, "I will contact the minister to discuss what is happening. Walking out of the meeting without a conclusion is not appropriate for a minister. But I will call him and hear his side."

The UDF leadership was at State House as part of a series of consultative meetings.

Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


Blanche Goreses