The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, is disappointed with some councillors whom he said did not learn anything during the induction.

This, Uutoni said, results in the councillors making catastrophic and uniform decisions contrary to what they were supposed to have learnt. 

The minister was agitated by some councillors whom he said take part in protests against the same councils they are part of. 

Uutoni stated that he's running out of patience and drained by untrainable councillors who are supposed to be the belt that ensures prompt delivery of quality services to the people.
"It means that the workshop was not making any sense to them; the same councillors whom I have just provided with an induction went back to their community and joined the community, and they started demonstrating and going to the office of the town council. Just imagine a councillor holding a portfolio is toy-toying in the street, really? To whom are you going to complain, and you are the councillor?"

Uutoni also indicated that disputes have deprived people and compromised the delivery of efficient and effective service. 

The minister says he is also now and then on call solving disputes, which takes up much time of his other ministerial duties. 

"Because now they are inviting me to come and intervene, and you are elected to solve the problem of the community. Now you are calling Uutoni to come and solve your problem, yet you are elected? And when you are in a chamber as councillors belonging to various political parties, you have to serve all the communities and not just suspend one another as if you don't know. Suspend-suspend what? You are given the responsibility to develop the town of the municipal council, and you are just busy suspending. No! That will not be tolerated."

Uutoni pointed out the Erongo and Omaheke regions, where councillors make contradictory decisions, adding that letters with clear directives will be on the way there soon.



Ndapanda Shuuya