Former First Lady Monica Geingos has been appointed as one of four new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) advocates by UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

In her new role, Geingos will leverage her platform to promote the SDGs and inspire global action towards achieving these goals.

In response to her appointment, Geingos stated, "In these challenging times, we must reflect on the true meaning of shared values and what they look like in action. As a UN SDG advocate, I am honoured to contribute to the global dialogue that strives to accelerate progress towards a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for all."

Geingos has long been an advocate for transformative leadership in Africa, with a particular focus on empowering youth. She is the founder of the innovative "BeFree" youth development model, which addresses social, economic, and reproductive health challenges faced by young people.



Emil Xamro Seibeb