The Otjomatoororero group, consisting of peers, is urging young people to come up with innovative ideas and form partnerships to be self-sustainable and develop their communities.
Speaking at Okatangara village in the Aminuis constituency at their end-of-the-year annual conference, the Aminuis Branch President, Himeezembi Mumbango, encouraged youth to be at the forefront of community development.
Forming partnerships for business purposes and investment among young people dominated discussions at the seminar.
On his part, the treasurer of the organisation, Foni Katjingisiua, stressed that, given the current economic hardship, young people need to invest in infrastructure and agronomic projects.
Katjingisiua also lamented the excessive use of alcohol and drug abuse, both of which require attention.
The group also touched on other matters, such as the importance of cultural preservation, education, and health.