The Inspector General of the Namibian Police Force has called on police officers to perform their duties diligently and provide quality services.

Lieutenant Joseph Shikongo made this statement during his visit to Otjiwarongo.

After meeting with the head of police in the Otjozondjupa Region, he conveyed a strong message to the officers in the area.

He emphasized that the excuse of not having a vehicle available when the community needs police assistance for crime matters must come to an end.

 The Inspector General noted that some stations operate without a station plan, and meetings are not being held, both of which he deemed unacceptable.

"Namibia aims to be among the top five performing police organizations in the world. How do we achieve that? We can only succeed if we all understand our goals, know our responsibilities, and work together as one; it is achievable."

He underscored the importance of transferring and rotating police officers between regions.

"The time has come to start moving. You can't stay in one place for 20 years; it leads to localism, and your performance in that area becomes stagnant. Under my leadership and with the management, I am fortunate to have taken over this organization on a solid foundation. As the fifth Inspector General, we have built upon that foundation, but now we want to consolidate it."

Lieutenant Shikongo also urged traffic officers to refrain from hiding traffic cars at checkpoints in order to surprise motorists.

They should be visible on the roads, he said.

Another concern raised was the allegation that traffic officers are requesting money from drivers, particularly tourists.

He encouraged officers to maintain neat and presentable appearances at all times.

The police chief emphasized that serving the community with humility is essential for delivering quality services, and this is the standard all officers should strive to achieve.



Eveline Paulus