Mourners in the Omaheke Region described the late Dr. Sam Nujoma as a man of action who possessed unique leadership abilities and always paid attention to the cries of the people, upon which he acted promptly.
Speaking at the regional memorial service of the Founding President at the entrance of the Trans Kalahari Border Post in the Omaheke Region, Governor Pijoo Nganate highlighted the importance of the vast history and connection the region has with the late Nujoma dating back to the early sixties.
Nganate stressed that Dr. Nujoma was not only a trench commander but also a leader who saw the value of information and education and the need to arm young brains for the future.
"Today, as we stand here at the Trans Kalahari main border post, we reflect on the bridges that Cde Nujoma built not just between Namibia and Botswana but across Africa and the world. He was a unifier, a visionary, and a true servant of the people. His leadership was never about personal gain but about ensuring a better future for all Namibians and Africans."
A representative of the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle, Brave Tjizera, echoed that Namibia has lost an unwavering conqueror.
Tjizera also added that Nujoma played a crucial role in shaping the lives of many leaders the country has on record today.
The Chairperson of the Charleshill District in Botswana, Bedueise Isaacs Setswalo, pointed out that Namibia shares memories in many ways, and the late Dr. Nujoma has been a catalyst for various aspects of development between the two countries.
The Swapo Party regional coordinator in the Omaheke, Ruth Mbura, pointed out that the country and Swapo Party have lost a dedicated servant of note and a revolutionary leader.