The Motor Vehicle Accident Fund says it continues to seek innovative ways to impart road safety education to learners who are the future of Namibia.

The MVA-Fund sponsored a secondary school's road safety debate at Rundu.

Kavango East and Kavango West are among the top six regions with motor vehicle crashes involving pedestrians.

Jones Lutombi, MVA-Fund Manager for Accident and Injury Prevention, says several innovative measures have been implemented at Rundu to reduce accidents.

Among these, he says, are speed bumps around town and a road safety simulation centre at Noordgrens Secondary School in Rundu.

Kavango East Director for Education, Arts and Culture, Fanuel Kapapero, says Rundu is a high-risk town for accidents due to its large learner population.

Kapapero says out of the 72 thousand learners in the region, 36 thousand are at schools within the town's boundaries.

In a speech read on his behalf, Governor Bonifatius Wakudumo urged learners to become road safety ambassadors in their communities.

The host school, Dr Romanus Kampungu Secondary School, scooped the first prize worth N$13 thousand, followed by Max Makushe Secondary School with N$10 thousand in prize money. Saint Boniface College took third place.

Godfried Kareyi, from Max Makushe Secondary School, and Holier Moyo, from Saint Boniface College, were the best speakers.

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MVA Debate


Chris Kupulo