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Rundu TC initiates N$577 million water treatment plant project


The population growth in Rundu has placed pressure on the council to meet the demand for water provision.

The construction of the Rundi water treatment plant, worth N$577 million, will not completely satisfy the demand.

Olavi Nathanael, the CEO of the Rundu Town Council, stated that the project will enhance the water treatment systems in the heavily affected areas, such as Ndama, Sikanduko, Sauyemwa, and Kasote.

Rundu family of nine talks about survival against odds


Destitute families who are unable to meet even the most basic needs are found all over Namibia.

nbc News team caught up with such a family in Rundu and compiled this report. 

These are the living conditions of 53-year-old Natalia Mbako and her family of nine. 

They moved to Rundu’s Ndama informal settlement a few years ago after leaving Nkurenkuru for greener pastures. 

Their pursuit for a better life never materialised, and the family found themselves without a proper shelter while surviving on handouts from community members. 

OK Food strike enters 3rd day


A strike by employees of a local retailer at Rundu and Nkurenkuru continues. 

The employees, represented by the Namibian Food and Allied Workers Union (NAFAWU), are striking in support of a demand for a salary increase and better working conditions.

The workers are demanding an increase of N$550, inclusive of a transport allowance, while the employer is only willing to offer N$142.50.

Rundu, Ruacana partner up in various areas


Rundu and Ruacana have agreed to partner up in various areas of cooperation.

This comes after the two town councils renewed their cooperation through a memorandum of understanding at Rundu.

The two town councils agreed to address emerging issues, promote sustainable development, and create a conducive environment for investment and innovation.

The mayor of Ruacana, Linda Mbwale, pointed out some areas for cooperation.

Much to be done to strengthen trade unions & government relationship - Nujoma


The Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation, Utoni Nujoma, says there is much that can be done to strengthen the relationship between the government and the trade unions. 

Nujoma says he intends to invite trade union leaders to meet in the near future to brief each other and explore concrete ways to support trade union priorities.

He said that as social partners, they must continue to prioritise issues such as fair wages, decent working hours, working conditions, and access to training and education. 

Nandi-Ndaitwah urges UNAM to introduce faculty of agriculture at Rundu Campus


Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah has urged the University of Namibia (UNAM) to introduce a faculty of agriculture at the Rudu Campus.

Speaking at the UNAM Rundu Campus graduation ceremony, the Vice President said such a move would spur development in the country.

Dr. Nandi-Ndaitwah noted that both Kavango East and West are known as agricultural regions, both in crop farming and animal husbandry.

IPC launches ground mobilisation commandos in Rundu


Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) launched its Ground Mobilisation Commandos in Rundu this weekend.

The Ground Mobilisation Commandos targeted about 13 locations in and around Rundu to mobilise and recruit new members.

"To ensure victory over the troops in Oshana, it is crucial that we go out and recruit. Just yesterday, we welcomed 776 new members to our party. This continuous growth is a testament to the IPC's commitment to serving our people and our readiness to govern this country," said IPC President, Panduleni Itula.

Miracle baby defies odds


Healthworkers at the maternity wing at Rundu's Intermediary Hospital have shown off a premature-born baby who defied all odds and is now 1 and a half years old.

Baby Peligrine Triumph Ndara weighed 800 grammes, hardly the size of the hand of an adult person, when she was born on August 2, 2022.

Together with her mother, Lahia Mwira, and staff at the maternity wing at Rundu hospital, baby Peligrine Triumph Ndara's story is one of triumph over adversity.

Two minors lose lives in Rundu open pit accident while playing in the water


Two minors drowned in an open pit at Rundu today while playing in the water.

The children accompanied their mother, who had gone to the swamp for fishing.

According to the mother, Franciska Hausiku, she left her three children under a tree near one of the open pits while she moved on to the next.

It is alleged that the youngest child, who is three years old, was playing in the water.

The seven-year-old sister then saw her younger sister struggling in the water and tried to help her out; however, both of them drowned.