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Africa's urban population is anticipated to double over the next 25 years.

These findings were revealed by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Namibia at the launch of the Just City Namibia project.

The project aims to stimulate socio-political discussions that are sensitive to the Namibian context and focus on political processes to improve the situation of urban dwellers in times of increasing rural-to-urban migration.

The project will further look at enhancing democratic participation through national and municipal alliances and strive toward "Just Cities" in Namibia through a participatory approach with stakeholders willing to partner towards inclusive development for social justice.

According to the survey conducted last year by FES, the majority of Africans will be living in cities within the next 25 years.

The survey was carried out in five Sub-Saharan African countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Senegal, and Namibia.

The survey report reflected that just over one-in-four rural dwellers, or 28%, moved to urban areas at least once in their lives. Another 51% intend to relocate to another region's urban areas. In addition, 14 % reported planning to move to an urban area within the same region.

Democratic political legitimacy will increase with the social and gender-equitable provision of public goods and economic opportunities in African cities. 

Deputy Resident Director at FES Namibia, Patrick Schneider, says that in search of improved livelihoods, better job opportunities, and access to public services, most people migrate from the countryside to urban centres. 

He added that increasing social inequality, environmental problems, and pressure on public infrastructure development are some of the challenges faced by cities that have a high population.

FES Namibia will continue to analyze the findings of the presented report with its partners.

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Lucia Nghifindaka