The district of Nongozi in the Zambezi Region held its first-ever cultural expo aimed at stimulating business activities and encouraging intra-community.

Launching the expo, the Minister of Industrialisation and Trade, Lucia Ipumbu, commended the Mayeyi Traditional Authority and the Nongozi sub-khuta for the initiative.

Ipumbu said the expo would be beneficial for the community in terms of embracing and showcasing their culture and tradition, as well as attracting interest from various investors.

"Our traditional authorities should not only serve as arbitrators to resolve conflicts among communities, they should also serve as vehicles for rural development to improve the lives and livelihoods of our subjects. It is a commendable move from the community to initiate an entrepreneurship project of this nature and an activity of this magnitude."

The expo showcased various traditional foods and items carved from wood, and corporate companies such as MTC also took part.

The Ministry of Home Affairs also provided services that the locals would normally have to travel to Katima Mulilo to access.

Jennety Nyama, an exhibitor, wants to see more government agencies and ministries come on board.

"We have opened our expo here at Nongozi, and we request all the ministries to assist all these people of Nongozi because the market is still new. The food is not supposed to be placed on the ground, at least if there were market stalls to ensure health."

This, she said, was worrisome for the exhibitors as there were no standard infrastructures for keeping their items and displaying them in the best way possible.

The Minister informed the residents that a team had already been sent to look into such issues to help them organise a better expo next year.



Vicky Walubita