Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila visited Ompundja and Uuvudhiya Constituencies to familiarise herself with the developments in the area.

She also visited a number of facilities there.

One of the projects she visited was constructed through the Disaster Risk Management Fund three years ago to help the region deal with emergency situations.

"These programmes formed part of resilience building that the government decided to embark upon in order to capacitate regions to be able to withstand emergency situations. And I was happy to see the reservoir that has been built and also the upgrading of the capacity of a number of pipelines that are supporting the water infrastructure that we have set up around the areas where our farmers in this area graze their cattle."

Kuugongelwa-Amadhila noted that road infrastructure remains a challenge and the government is finding alternatives to address this challenge.

"But we have also taken note of the challenges that remain, including road infrastructure, especially on this side of the constituencies and region, and as I have indicated, it is a commitment of the government to look at alternative sources of funding so that we can expedite the ongoing programmes to roll out the infrastructure network to all the areas that are not catered for."

She also visited the cutlines being created and cleared within the grassland of Uuvudhiya Constituency by the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Forestry.

Cutlines are meant to curb the spread of veld fire.

Photo Credits
Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila

