Today, the National Council resumed its session after a four-month hiatus.

The house chairperson, Lukas Muha, says the NC will sit for two weeks to look at various bills and motions, as well as reports referred to it by the National Assembly, including other reports from the Council as per its mandates.

Muha says the council members continue to fulfill their dual mandate, which is their roles as elected constituency councils as well as members of the legislature.

During this session, the NC will consider seven bills from its sister chamber, the National Assembly.

During its four-month-long recess, the members executed their oversight duties, carried out a number of regional visits, and met with government offices, ministries, and agencies.

The Chairperson, therefore, called on the parliamentarians to give it their all in the execution of their mandate as lawmakers.

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Namibia economist
Jefta Tjihumino