The Directorate of Education Arts and Culture in the Kavango West has embarked on a strategy aimed at improving academic performance in the region.
Education Director Pontinus Musore says all stakeholders must have a role to play if a turnaround will be realized.

In an exclusive interview with NBC News Musore said it can no longer be business as usual, hence the strategy called Performance Dialogue.

Musore is currently embarking on regional school visits and consultations to ensure that all stakeholders start the academic year on the right foot.

Musore was quoted saying: "Having all these challenges as teachers we also have challenges of our own, in some schools, we don't spend more time with learners we are addressing issues of absenteeism, issues of unpreparedness, issues of lack of commitment from ourselves as teachers those are things that we can do lets us do what we able to do so that we wait for other support to come our way"

The Director admitted that a myriad of challenges continues to haunt the country's education sector but teaching and learning must be seen taking place in schools.

Overcrowded classrooms were highlighted as one of the major challenges faced by schools in his region with some classes having more than 50 learners.

Musore noted that Nkurenkuru at least needs one complete primary school and a new secondary school to accommodate a high number of learners seeking placement.

In the meantime, Musore says the Directorate is preparing to erect tents at some schools to ensure that every child has a place.

The region appointed 20 teachers last year for the positions that were availed and Musore says they are already at assigned schools.

Kavango West was among the poorly ranked regions in the Grade 11 national results, which Musore says is unacceptable.

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NBC Digital News


Chris Kupulo