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MeatCo says it has introduced a number of reforms and restructuring to remain afloat, despite natural calamities which affected the livestock sector.

Its Chief Executive Officer Mwilima Mushokobanji was responding to a recent remark by Agriculture, Water and Land Reform Minister Carl Schleittwein who described the state-owned meat processing and marketing entity as being in an ICU.

Schlettwein made this remark during his staff address in Windhoek.

He was particularly disappointed that many abattoirs in the north have stopped slaughtering, which saw individual farmers opening up their own abattoirs.

The Minister warned that Government will take a hard decision in the interest of farmers.

But Mushokobanji has come in defence of MeatCo's operations, saying the company managed to remain afloat, after a persistent drought that started in 2011 and ended in 2019.

The business he said went through a number of cost-cutting measures, following the drought, COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine conflict which affected so many sectors.

In addition, he says MeatCo also settled all its historic debts amounting to more than N$600 million owed to commercial banks.

Mushokobanji is therefore happy with this re-organization and the increased number of livestock which will enable them to deliver on their obligation.

He is confident, the company will use the African Continental Free Trade Area by continuing to export beef to the African market, which would benefit farmers, North of the Veterinary Cordon Fence, as well as supply its beef to the EU, China and the US.

Currently, the company is busy buying cattle from farmers to beef up their stock to be ready for slaughtering which will start on the 15th of February.



Jefta Tjihumino