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The residents of Grout Aub in the Windhoek Rural Constituency are calling for the closure of one of the two scrapyards at the settlement

During a community and police meeting at Groot Aub recently, the residents accused the scrapyard dealers of buying stolen items thereby promoting crime.

Some community members accused one of the scrapyard owner Hans Kauffman of buying goods without any establishing where they come from.

When our nbc News team visited the said scrapyard, we found different items ranging from metal to wood and of which most residents complained of having been stolen from them.

At the meeting Kauffman denied buying stolen goods, explaining he does it legally and procedurally and says he does contact the police when he is in doubt.

Groot Aub Scrapyard Owner Hans Kauffmann said they are trying to spoil his name, he said he is the only one in Groot Aub, everything must be written down, have a copy of ID, they must prove is theirs and he gives them something."

|Khomas Police Regional Commissioner David Indongo called on scrapyard operators to be properly registered and further urged them not to buy stolen goods.

"Many times we are discouraging our community to avoid buying stolen goods or properties or being suspected of stolen properties, that is a case on its own.  A person going there at least must produce proof of ownership or at least or police declaration or proof of purchase, if I am claiming I am selling my TV and I bought this TV 2 years ago from Lewis in Windhoek, I must produce my receipt from Lewis."

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Jefta Tjihumino