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Community fight broke out at Dordabis


A community fight broke out at Dordabis after a group of disgruntled residents at the small settlement decided to illegally occupy land and put up structures. 

It is a divided community, led by a divided Community Development Committee.

One side says the wait for land and services has been too long.

The others insist that Namibia is a country governed by law and maintain that the current government is doing all it can to speed up land delivery.

Dordabis is under the jurisdiction of the Windhoek Rural Constituency. 

Windhoek Rural Constituency hands over income generating equipment to beneficiaries at Groot Aub


The Windhoek Rural Constituency handed over income-generating equipment to the value of N$225,000 to eight beneficiaries at Groot Aub. 

Among the beneficiaries were 26-year-old Deotaurus Rooi and his 25-year-old nephew Dennis Rooi who own a funeral undertaking - Isaria Funeral Services. 

The duo started their business about four years ago during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a way to assist the Groot Aub community in burying their loved ones. 

The business currently employed five people and received equipment worth N$50,000.

Bloukrans Primary and Kwakwas Primary schools receive school uniforms


Bloukrans Primary and Kwakwas Primary schools received school uniforms worth N$46 000, donated by the Regional Councilor of Windhoek Rural Constituency, Piet Petrus Adams.

Councillor Adams donated school uniforms, shoes, socks, jerseys, skirts, shirts and trousers these were given to 24 most vulnerable children of the Bloukrans Primary School

Adams added that proper school uniforms will boost the learner's confidence and improve their performance

A teacher, Ketelelo Ferdinand received the donation.

Khomas Regional Council assesses status of boreholes drilled at Windhoek Rural Constituency


The Khomas Regional Council concluded its visits to the Windhoek Rural Constituency aimed at assessing the status of boreholes drilled in the area.

The delegation assessed boreholes at the Satan Slog settlement, Enos and Ernest, and Diep Rivier.

They also visited the construction of toilets at Khanubeb and the youth gardening project at Nauaspoort.

A borehole at Enos and Ernest was not functioning due to a lack of water.

Grout Aub residents call for closure of two scrapyards in settlement


The residents of Grout Aub in the Windhoek Rural Constituency are calling for the closure of one of the two scrapyards at the settlement

During a community and police meeting at Groot Aub recently, the residents accused the scrapyard dealers of buying stolen items thereby promoting crime.

Some community members accused one of the scrapyard owner Hans Kauffman of buying goods without any establishing where they come from.

Groot Aub residents call on Police to intensify their visibility in the area


Residents of Groot Aub in the Windhoek Rural Constituency have called on the police to intensify their visibility in the area.

This was revealed at a meeting between the police and the community held at the settlement.

There are more than 500 criminal cases recorded at Groot Aub in 2022 alone.

Gender-Based Violence, assault, attempted murder, rape, theft, domestic violence, house and business break-ins, as well as stock theft, are common criminal offenses faced at Groot Aub.