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Random searches for narcotics and weapons in schools at the coast will continue, in an attempt by school authorities to keep the learning environment safe.

Six public schools at Walvis Bay and Swakopmund received a surprise visit from Erongo Governor Neville Andre, the Education Director, and the police.

One of those schools is Duinesig High School.

The visitors, who brought their well-trained sniffer dogs, searched the learners for every possible hiding spot for drugs and dangerous weapons.

According to the police, children are sometimes used as drug mules to financially support their families, while others become users.

"There are times when, during our operations, we find kids that are carrying drugs on their bodies; some are used to transport drugs, and some are used by those that are selling to deliver," said Inspector Ileni Shapumba.

Erongo Police Regional Commander, Commissioner Nokolalaus Kupembona, added that "so far we have not detected any contraband that we are looking for in terms of drugs, but some small items, such as scissors, perfume, and nail clippers, are there. We removed some of those contrabands, but it will not stop here; it will still continue."

Governor Neville Andre has urged the community to play a role in keeping public schools drug-free.

"Those that are having their drugs, the message is that schools are not the place; we are taking over schools; you can run around in your society, but in the schools, we are not going to allow it, and we are still going to fight until we don't see any substance in any school kid or in the school."

"It's true, we need to keep the environment of schools safe for the learners who come from different households; the message is clear; there is no space for drugs in the schools in Erongo, and definitely the principals on the ground; we will continue with the program with the support of safety and security," said Erenfriede Stephanus, Education Director for the Erongo Region. 

The learners found in possession of narcotics will be required to do community service and think about their actions.

Photo Credits
Governor of Erongo Region


Renate Rengura