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NamPower Foundation assists schools in Omaheke


The NamPower Foundation has spent N$1.3 million to renovate a computer laboratory at C. Heuva Secondary School and a laundry room with new industrial washing and tumble dryer machines at Motsomi Primary School.

The Chairperson of the NamPower Foundation, Dr. Simeon Amunkete, stressed the importance of the foundation assisting the education fraternity, especially in hygiene and social welfare. 

Namwater aids schools in Kavango West with learning material


Namwater donates textbooks and stationery to 10 schools in the Kavango West Region.

The donation is worth over N$667,000.

The stationery supplied consists of 40 calculators, 50 flip files, 136 pencil cases, and 14 mathematical sets. 100 wood glues, 200 pencils, and accredited textbooks for various subjects offered at the selected schools.

Ten vulnerable schools were selected with the help of the Education Directorate.

Parliament investigates viability of special schools in Zambezi


Education stakeholders in Zambezi Region held an engagement with the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education, Science, ICT, and Youth Development to discuss the current crisis in the education sector in the region.

The Committee is investigating a lack of special schools in the Kavango East, Kavango West, and Zambezi regions and establishing the means to have such schools.

Interested parties have the opportunity to attend physically or make their submission in writing.

Education Ministry awards best performing in ||Kharas Region


The Directorate of Education Arts and Culture in the ||Kharas Region awarded the best-performing teachers, learners, and schools with certificates after the recently released performance statistics by the Directorate of National Examinations.

This year, the Directorate of National Examinations. released a list of about five hundred best-performing learners countrywide, while the ||Kharas region was ranked third overall in the grade 11 AS level examination. 

||Kharas Governor Aletha Fredericks officiated at the event.

Education evolve in the Kavango Region since before independence


Education is often referred to as the key to a successful future, and it is compulsory for a Namibian child.

Before independence, it was an achievement in the Kavango Region for one to produce good results. Schools in the Kavango Region were constructed based on traditional jurisdictions.

Each of the schools had a hostel to accommodate the learners, while the curriculum had four terms, and some learners would only return home after the fourth term.

On the western side of Kavango, there was Katjimi Murangi School, which was established in 1976.

Hochland High describes late head of state as a visionary statesman 


The Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture issued a directive to all schools to hold memorial services in honour of the late Dr. Geingob. 

Hochland High School was one of those that responded promptly and organised a service on the school field.

The service was held as per directive under two themes: President Geingob's dedication to education and his role as a statesman.

Hage G. Geingob, who started off as a teacher, was dedicated to education, prompting the Ministry of Education to honour his legacy.

Windhoek schools struggle with classroom shortages


Navigating the educational landscape proves to be a formidable task, as Windhoek schools grapple with a shortage of classrooms.

With schools reaching maximum capacity, classrooms now have to accommodate between 44 to 50 learners.

In the face of this challenge, parents raised concerns, seeking answers from the Ministry of Education about the measures being taken to address this pressing issue.

Schools across Namibia need renovations


A number of schools across the country need renovations, but the government, however, says it cannot do it alone.

Calling for a joint effort, the Executive Director of the Ministry of Education, Sanet Steenkamp, made the appeal during the handover ceremony of the renovated Eros Girls school hostel. 

To complement the government's efforts, Footsteps Africa renovated the 59-year-old Eros Girls School's hostel at a cost of N$1 million.