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Last week's NFA congress showed signs of maturity - Mwiya


Freddy Mwiya, the Chief Administrator of the Namibia Sports Commission, expressed his satisfaction with the recently held NFA Congress in Windhoek.

As one of the observers during the congress, Mwiya commended the participants for their maturity and adherence to the relevant statutes.

He highlighted the importance of having well-defined policies and statutes within an organization to ensure smooth operations, especially during a presidential race like the one between Patrick Kauta and Robert Shimooshili.

Shimooshili & Kauta race heats Up


The race for the presidency of the Namibian Football Association (NFA) between Robert Shimooshili and Patrick Kauta is expected to be highly competitive and closely contested at the Association's Elective Congress on Friday.

Both Shimooshili and Kauta have shared their visions for the future of the NFA if elected as President. Kauta, in particular, spoke to the media from Ghana, highlighting the importance of his campaign.

Kauta to step down as Stars Chairperson before year-end


The chairperson of African Stars Football Club, Patrick Kauta, has announced his decision to step down from his position in November. Kauta made this revelation during the African Stars award ceremony.

Having served the club for over two decades, Patrick Kauta has decided to resign as chairperson of the Samba Boys, also known as Starlile. He joined the club in 1997 and became chairman in 2016 when African Stars transitioned into a professional team.

Legal row between Chief Kanime and CoW continues in Windhoek High Court


A going legal row between Chief of the City Police Abraham Kanime and the City Council continued in the Windhoek High Court.

The council wants the City Police Chief to repay salaries paid to him by the municipality since his re-appointment in May 2020.

The Windhoek City Council in its court papers is demanding that Kanime pay back about six-comma-eight million dollars.

These include all salary payments, 13th cheques, as well as monthly housing and car allowances paid to him when he was allegedly appointed unlawfully.