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Six Peace Corps volunteers sworn in


Six new United States Peace Corps volunteers were sworn in in Windhoek at the US ambassador's residence. 
The volunteers will serve in different sectors, including health, education, and economic development, for one year. 
Their addition brings to 41 the number of Peace Corps volunteers presently active in Namibia. 

Angolan children in Namibia’s corridors under discussion


Namibia's Ambassador to Angola, Patrick Nandago, says the issues of the alleged Angolan children roaming around the streets of Windhoek and the northern parts of the country are a security concern.

Ambassador Nandago noted that the issue is being discussed by both countries to establish their origins and find a lasting solution.

Ambassador Hishongwa's memorial service


Mourners gathered at Onekwaya West in the Ohangwena Village for the memorial of the late Ambassador Hadino Hishongwa.

Mourners described Hishongwa as a philanthropist and a man who immensely contributed to the freedom and independence of Namibia.

Hishongwa served as a Member of Parliament in the National Assembly from 1990 to 2005.

During that time, he served as the Minister of Youth and Sport as well as the Deputy Minister of Labour and Human Resources Development.

Hishongwa also served as Namibia's ambassador to Botswana.

Vasco Mushe Sampofu appointed Namibia's Ambassador to Austria


President Hage Geingob has urged the newly appointed Ambassador to Austria and UN agencies to promote economic opportunities found in Namibia during his tour of duty.

Dr. Geingob handed over the letter of appointment to Vasco Mushe Sampofu during the commissioning ceremony at State House.

56-year-old career diplomat Sampofu takes over from Nada Kruger, who went into early retirement.

The Namibian Mission in Austria is also accredited to UN organisations and agencies headquartered in the capital, Vienna.

Angola's Ambassador to Namibia visits Hardap and ||Kharas governors


Angolan Ambassador to Namibia, Jovelina e Costa is on a familiarization visit in the ||Kharas and Hardap Regions, where she is expected to meet with Angolan citizens based there. 

It is unclear how many Angolan nationals are currently residing in the two regions. 

The symbiotic relationship between the two neighbours dates back decades with the civil war in Angola and the liberation struggle for Namibia's independence solidifying their friendship which withstood the test of time. 

Namibians will forever be indebted to Cuba - President Geingob


Namibia remains steadfast in its calls for the US to lift the six decades economic blockade on Cuba.

President Hage Geingob reiterated the country's position during a farewell courtesy visit by Cuba's outgoing Head of Mission at the State House.

The more than 60-year-old blockade prevents US businesses from conducting trade with companies with Cuban interests, which is enforced through a number of US laws.