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High Court reviews seven judgements in May


The High Court has undertaken a number of review judgements in May, setting aside convictions and sentences.

The reviews also led to reduced sentences and fines imposed by lower courts, an indication that Namibia's justice system is able to self-correct.

In line with Section 20 of the High Court Act, seven cases were taken on review by a two-member judge panel.

Most of the cases that went on review were related to drug-related trials.

Magistrate urges action on ''shocking'' conditions in police holding cells


Walvis Bay Magistrate John Sindano has called on parliamentarians to do something about what he described as "shocking" conditions in police holding cells.

Apart from overcrowding, the magistrate says mentally disturbed detainees languish in such conditions for years while waiting to be admitted to the only psychiatric ward in Windhoek.

Protesters demand justice for Okahandja police shooting victims


Protesters marched to Agostinho Neto Square on Saturday to demand justice for the killing of five men who died at the hands of police officers in Okahandja in April last year.

The protest was spearheaded by activist and Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) member Michael Amushelelo.

The plan for this march was to bring across a message of grief and unhappiness.

Gathered were the youth, family, and friends of Erikki 'Akawa' Martin, Abed Andreas, Marius Ipinge, Malaika Kotokeni, and Flavianus Endjala.

Family at Swakopmund accuses police of brutality and neglect


A family from the Erongo Region is seeking justice from the police, whom they accuse of brutality.

The father of a mentally and physically disabled man in Swakopmund has expressed his utter dissatisfaction with the police for failing to perform up to expected standards when they dealt with his child.

Gideon Doeseb accuses the police of being responsible for his son's physical disability by hitting him with a vehicle.

Doeseb explains that his son was discovered to be mentally ill, and during an outburst, police were called to escort him to the hospital.