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Guardians charged with murder sentenced


A 37-year-old former police officer who was convicted of murdering his two-and-a-half-year-old daughter in June 2020 has been sent to prison for 20 years.

Sydney Ikosa was also sentenced to a further six years for abuse and neglecting Joy Ikosa, now deceased, and six months for common assault of the same child.

The six years and six months of imprisonment have been ordered to run concurrently with 20 years of murder.

Man gets 18 years for murder in Zambezi


A 31-year-old resident of the Zambezi Region was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for the murder of his employer in the New Cowboy compound in 2019.

Maswabi Martin Sezuni, who was employed as a barber by a 29-year-old member of the NDF, Protetius Shidute, stabbed his employer with a knife in the neck following an argument over an outstanding payment.

In mitigation for his sentence, Sezuni told the court that he was the father of a five-year-old child and takes care of his father.

Three found in possession of cannabis appear in Rundu court


Two men and a woman found in possession of close to N$40 000 worth of cannabis made their appearance in the Rundu Magistrate Court.

The three, Robert Jombi Likuwa, Mushambe Kakuru and Veronica Ruhupwa were arrested at Tuhingireni settlement.

The total amount of cannabis found in their possession was valued at N$39 000 and weighed close to 4 kg.

The suspect was granted bail of N$8 000 each and is expected to return to court on 15 June this year.

Aroab Sebastiaan Abrahams sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for rape


Acting Divisional Magistrate Stanley Tembwe from the Keetmanshoop Regional Court has sentenced Aroab Sebastiaan Abrahams to 10 years imprisonment for raping a minor girl.

Abrahams is said to have lured a six-year-old girl to the veld, where he raped her.

He committed the offense at the age of 15 in Aroab Village in the ||Kharas Region.

Sentencing Abrahams, Tembwe remarked that rape falls in the category that warrants a custodial sentence.