Poor road infrastructure a challenge in Kunene Region


Poor road infrastructure remains a challenge in the Kunene Region's remote and rugged areas.

Roads Authority's (RA) Manager of Corporate Communication, Hileni Fillemon, told nbc News that the RA has in this financial year spent over N$2.2 million on road maintenance in the region. 

RA called to upgrade roads of national interest


The Governor of the Otjozondjupa Region has appealed to the Roads Authority (RA) to consider upgrading several roads in the region to full bitumen standard.

James Uerikua said the upgrades are needed as the roads are of national interest.

Underfunding delays completion of Uis-Hentis Bay Road


The tarring of the Uis-Henties Bay Road is 52% complete, despite several delays.

The Roads Authority's (RA) Chief Executive Officer, Conrad Lutombi, says the project was supposed to be completed this year but was underfunded.

Impalila Island's low-volume seal road infrastructure to be inaugurated 


The completed low-volume seal road infrastructure at Impalila Island, Zambezi Region, is likely to be inaugurated in April. 

The construction of the N$60 million, 25-kilometre project as well as the upgrading of a loading port, which started in 2022, will be completed by the end of March. 

Tondoro Health Centre flooded


Heavy storms in the Kavango West Region on Wednesday left the Tondoro Health Centre flooded.

The stormwater left the waiting, reception, pharmacy storage areas, and delivery room underwater.

Roads Authority works tirelessly to upgrade Omaheke roads


The Chief Executive Officer of the Road Authority, Conrad Lutombi, says despite the limited resources at their disposal, they are working tirelessly to ensure that most roads in the Omaheke Region receive much-needed attention.

Phase two of Charlie Cutline Road upgrade announced


The Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa, has announced phase two of the upgrade on the Charlie Cutline Road, 70 kilometres west of Rundu.

The second phase is set to run for six months, covering at least 35 kilometres at a cost of N$29.8 million.

Windhoek-Okahandja Road to be completed in 2024


The Windhoek-Okahandja Road Project is expected to be completed by May next year.

The construction of the road, which started in 2016, will allow easy access to and from Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, and the Ovitoto roads.