

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | President Mbumba appeals to eligible Namibians to register


President Nangolo Mbumba has labelled the voter registration process as a license for Namibians to vote and elect representatives of choice at national, regional, and local government levels.

President Mbumba and First Lady Sustjie Mbumba, accompanied by their children and grandchildren, registered at MTC headquarters in Olympia to participate in the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections. 

In full view of the rolling media cameras, the President and First Lady provided all the necessary details for the completion of the registration process.

Security guaranteed during 34th independence celebrations


During an engagement with the public and community policing forums, the Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Dr. Albert Kawana, called on all Namibians across the country to join in the 34th Independence celebrations at Katima Mulilo, Zambezi Region.

It will be the first time that the region is hosting national independence day celebrations since the country gained independence in 1990.

Dr. Kawana therefore urged residents of the Zambezi Region to go out in their numbers and witness what they have been waiting for for years.

President Mbumba thanks Namibians for unity during mourning period


President Nangolo Mbumba has expressed gratitude to Namibians for their conduct during the past three weeks, following the death of the late President Hage Geingob.

In a statement, President Mbumba said citizens conducted themselves in a dignified and orderly manner, calling it the greatest honour bestowed on the memory of the dearly departed Commander-in-Chief.

Following the death of President Hage Geingob on February 4, 2024, the Namibian nation went through difficult hours and weeks of grief. 

Geingob generation peerless in fight for liberation 


Sunday, the fourth of February, will forever go down in the annals of history. This is the first time in Namibia that a sitting president has passed on. A day when Namibians' unity was tested to the limit.

Political analysts are united in their view that President Geingob and his generation were peerless in their struggle for Namibia's liberation.

Visual artist creates suicide awareness through art


A visual artist is using his talent to raise awareness about suicide in Rundu. 

Paulus Kanyanga believes that his "Suicide Mural Project” will encourage more Namibians to open up about the realities behind the act.

Titled "Only in the Darkness Can You See the Stars,” this piece of art depicts a reality that many Namibians are currently facing. 

The mural is dedicated to those who have committed suicide as well as those who have attempted to take their own lives.

2023 Population and Housing Census launched


President Hage Geingob has called on all Namibians to play their part in the upcoming census.

Geingob made the call during the launch of the 2023 Population and Housing Census held at Statehouse.

The President says the census is not just a government initiative but a national endeavour in which every citizen has a crucial role to play.

Citizens, therefore, need to provide accurate information to produce reliable data.

President Geingob appreciates well wishes


President Hage Geingob is humbled by the messages of best wishes from Namibians, fellow Heads of State, and friends on his birthday.

Dr. Geingob celebrated his 82nd birthday on August 3.

In a statement, the President said the messages of support continue to serve as an inspiration in serving the Namibian people to the best of his ability and in the spirit of Harambee.

Government's social programmes impacts lives of many


It is evident that the government's social programmes are making an impact in the lives of many Namibians, of whom some could have otherwise been worse off without them.

In the Erongo Region, a total of 28,739 people receive government social grants monthly, and it is this number that the governor commended the government for during the State of the Region Address.

Namibia is one of a few countries in Africa with safety nets in place, such as social grants.

Stories from corners of the country indicate that many households depend on these safety nets.