#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Swapo Party holds mini rally at Mashare


Swapo Secretary General, Sophia Shaningwa, is urging the community of Mashare in Kavango East to register for the November elections.

Shaningwa spoke at a mini rally in Rundjarara Village over the weekend.

Rev. Asser Kazumba Lihongo buried at Mupini


Hundreds of mourners gathered at the Mupini at Kapako, Kavango West, to bury a veteran of the Liberation Struggle, Reverend Asser Kazumba Lihongo. 

Lihongo died on June 10 at the Rundu hospital at the age of 92. He was conferred an official funeral by President Nangolo Mbumba. 

Financial constraints affect housing at Nkurenkuru


The acting CEO of Nkurenkuru Town Council has stated that limited funds are hindering the provision of affordable housing in the town. Magana Mukuve made these remarks during a consultation meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resources and Community Development.

Surgical eye campaign in Zambezi and Kavango


About 700 people from the Zambezi and Kavango regions are undergoing cataract surgery in Rundu.  

This annual surgical eye campaign is about improving eye health and empowering patients to lead fuller, more independent lives. 

Theft hinders development at Rundu


Town Engineer in the Rundu Town Council, Sakaria Shopati, says the institution lost about N$3 million in the 2023–2024 financial year due to vandalism and infrastructure theft. 

Shopati says despite the Town Council's attempts to upgrade service infrastructure, the local population is hindering progress.

Relief for female boaders at Mburu-uru community hostel 


Female boarders at the Mburu-uru community hostel in Kavango West Region will finally have their own sleeping quarters. 

About 13 learners have been sharing living quarters with the teaching staff, while eight others were cramped inside a small hut. 

Rundu family of nine talks about survival against odds


Destitute families who are unable to meet even the most basic needs are found all over Namibia.

nbc News team caught up with such a family in Rundu and compiled this report. 

These are the living conditions of 53-year-old Natalia Mbako and her family of nine.