Relief for female boaders at Mburu-uru community hostel 


Female boarders at the Mburu-uru community hostel in Kavango West Region will finally have their own sleeping quarters. 

About 13 learners have been sharing living quarters with the teaching staff, while eight others were cramped inside a small hut. 

Rundu family of nine talks about survival against odds


Destitute families who are unable to meet even the most basic needs are found all over Namibia.

nbc News team caught up with such a family in Rundu and compiled this report. 

These are the living conditions of 53-year-old Natalia Mbako and her family of nine. 

Kayengona Clinic in Rundu Rural to be upgraded


The Kayengona Clinic is the only health facility within the Rundu Rural Constituency, and plans are underway for it to be upgraded. 

These were just some of the sentiments shared at the belated independence celebrations at Mbambi village in the Kavango East Region.

OK Food strike enters 3rd day


A strike by employees of a local retailer at Rundu and Nkurenkuru continues. 

The employees, represented by the Namibian Food and Allied Workers Union (NAFAWU), are striking in support of a demand for a salary increase and better working conditions.

Home Affairs reports progress in mass registration drive amid challenges


The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security says the mass registration process countrywide is making good progress. 

The Deputy Executive Director, Jackson Wandjiva, told nbc News that the ministry has so far achieved 70% of the set target. 

Concerns arise amid ongoing mass registration efforts


Untraceable sources, chancetakers, and uncooperative parents are some of the concerns about the ongoing mass registration process countrywide. 

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security is conducting the mass registration outreach programme across all 14 regions of Namibia.

Rundu, Ruacana partner up in various areas


Rundu and Ruacana have agreed to partner up in various areas of cooperation.

This comes after the two town councils renewed their cooperation through a memorandum of understanding at Rundu.

Institutions remember Cassinga Day


Even though the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology announced that there would be no government-planned events to commemorate Cassinga Day, various local businesses took to social media to pay homage to the hundreds of men, women, and children massacred on this day in 1978.