Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) President McHenry Venaani said he is serious about leading the country, promising to run a clean, capable, and competent administration. 

Venaani was addressing PDM supporters at a star rally in Nkurenkuru, Kavango West, over the weekend. 

Venaani appealed to his supporters by touching on a myriad of socioeconomic challenges affecting the youngest region in the country. 

He said despite Kavango West's rich potential, the area faces significant hurdles. 

"Roads, we do not have. Water. Various villages in Kavango West are struggling with water. My government is going to rigorously pursue a policy of agricultural revolution and agrimodernization. We are going to plant Kavango like never before. We are going to create food and jobs for Namibians." 

The PDM President also promised to prioritise universal healthcare, invest 10% of the country's GDP in agriculture, and empower the youth by financing their businesses, saying that a majority of them are stuck in villages abusing alcohol. 

"Venaani is going to change that by creating and attempting to bring factories, processing, and value chains into rural areas. If you are living in a village and you are planting tomatoes, your tomatoes must be processed to become tomato sauce. Create jobs in constituencies so that in Nkurenkuru, if you want agriculture to flourish, create a company that will manufacture drip irrigation pipes. 

He also vowed to take care of teachers, saying it's one of the neglected professions. 

"A teacher sleeping in a kambashu. Only in Namibia. Under my government, that will end. We are going to finance teachers' homes. We are going to use the resources of GIPF and various other financial institutions that are investing our resources in other countries to invest in Namibia to give value to the jobs of teachers. To give respect to the greatest profession in the world." 

Venaani also told his supporters that he would improve health, education, and sports facilities and ensure that the country is free of corruption. 

"I am going to be a president of harmony. A man who will pursue a policy of peace, and stability but with the rigorous programs of socio-economic reform. Under my watch, this country will become a different country. Your son is not joking. Your son is serious about taking power in this country."

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Frances Shaahama