15-year-old Francisca Shihepo hopes to put her "talking" to practice


While many children go through life without discovering their true talents, 15-year-old Francisca Shihepo says she discovered early on that her talent is to 'talk'.

While kids can have a lot of interesting talents, 15-year-old Francisca Shihepo loves to talk. 

!Oë-‡Gân Traditional Authority proposes renaming Erongo


The !Oë-‡Gân Traditional Authority recommended that the Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission rename the Erongo Region to its historic name.

The Boundaries Delimitation and Demarcation Commission visited Omaruru to cater for the Daures, and Karibib constituencies after Swakopmund.

Grootfontein unites for Otjiwanda SME and Youth Expo


Young people at Grootfontein took advantage of the Otjiwanda SME and Youth Expo, not only showing up in great numbers but also showcasing their creativity and sense of business. 

Okakarara residents demand answers from Town Council


The Okakarara Residents Association Fighting for Development is calling on the Okakarara Town Council to explain the Auditor General's adverse audit opinion due to missing financial documents, a dormant inventory system, and an unexplained bank transaction.

Agriculture Hub and Integrated Food Systems Project starts at Tsumkwe


Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah advised residents of Tsumkwe to empower themselves through education and training in order for the Agriculture Hub and Integrated Food Systems Project to run efficiently.

Nandi-Ndaitwah was speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony of the project at Tsumkwe.

ECN trains potential registration officials at Otjozondjupa


The Otjozondjupa Regional Electoral Officer, Victoria Amutenya, says only 148 out of the 204 trainees will be appointed as registration officials in the Otjozondjupa Region. 

General voter registration is scheduled to start on June 3 and last until August 1.