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Cenored proposes increment on overall tariff


Cenored has proposed an increment from N$1.40 to N$1.46 per kilowatt hour on the overall tariff.

The increment was publicised at the Electricity Control Board (ECB) stakeholders' inaugural consultation with Otjiwarongo stakeholders on the Cenored distribution tariff application for the financial period 2024–2025.

ECB has not been forthcoming to discuss the electricity tariff increment with the community, hence the importance of stakeholders' consultation engagement.

ECB educated the stakeholders on how the tariff methodologies apply in determining tariffs.

Okakarara residents demand answers from Town Council


The Okakarara Residents Association Fighting for Development is calling on the Okakarara Town Council to explain the Auditor General's adverse audit opinion due to missing financial documents, a dormant inventory system, and an unexplained bank transaction.

The residents are demanding answers and have handed a petition to the town council.

Agriculture Hub and Integrated Food Systems Project starts at Tsumkwe


Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah advised residents of Tsumkwe to empower themselves through education and training in order for the Agriculture Hub and Integrated Food Systems Project to run efficiently.

Nandi-Ndaitwah was speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony of the project at Tsumkwe.

According to the Namibia Agronomy Board, Namibia has achieved a significant milestone in the agricultural sector by attaining a 55 percent self-sufficiency level in local vegetable production and a 45 percent level in crop production.

ECN trains potential registration officials at Otjozondjupa


The Otjozondjupa Regional Electoral Officer, Victoria Amutenya, says only 148 out of the 204 trainees will be appointed as registration officials in the Otjozondjupa Region. 

General voter registration is scheduled to start on June 3 and last until August 1.

The registration officers are expected to be in the field from Monday to Saturday, starting from eight o'clock to seven o'clock in the evening.

Participation and conduct during the training are key, says Amutenya.

Hope Home-Based Health Care aided with specialised wheelchairs


Industrial Mill Services (TMS) donated specialised wheelchairs to Tsumeb-based Hope Home-Based Health Care, which has been taking care of people with disabilities since 2016.

All 119 of them use wheelchairs, while children with muscular disorders, cerebral palsy, or other conditions require specialised wheelchairs.

The Deputy Minister of Disability Affairs, Alexia Manombe-Ncube, says Namibians should collectively ensure that children are not left out due to their disabilities.

NYS in Rietfontein sells first potato harvest


With less potato production in Namibia, the National Youth Service in Rietfontein is proud to produce and sell its first harvest of potatoes to the public.

In 2021, NYS received funding from the Namibia Training Authority, through capacity-building grants, for the institution to carry out its mandate of empowering youth with skills and generating income.

One production owing its existence to the funding is potato production, with potatoes cultivated via a centre pivot irrigation system.

MEFT trains environmental officers to deal with illegal activities


With illegal sand mining activities happening in most parts of the country, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism is training environmental officers in all regions.

They are from the Department of Parks and Forestry.

Although more is expected from the environmental officers, the current pressing matter is that of illegal sand mining, which the ministry is working hard to put an end to.

Currently, Namibia does not have environmental officers, though there are provisions in the Act.

Internal debt management processes did not yield desired results - Grootfontein Municipality


The Grootfontein Municipality says they have on numerous occasions pleaded with residents, businesses, and institutions to engage their finance department and make debt-settling arrangements; calls, the council says, appear to have fallen on deaf ears.

It is against this background that the municipality says it decided to involve an independent debt collector, Redforce Debt Management.

In a media statement, the council responded to the petition submitted last week by residents regarding the appointment of Red Force.

Omake raises N$20,000 for Safe Haven for vulnerable individuals


Otjiwarongo-based charity organisation Omake raised N$20,000 at a fundraising dinner in pledges towards the establishment of a safe place for vulnerable children and people with disabilities.

The construction of the centre is estimated to cost more than N$3 million.

The Omake Charity Organisation was founded in 2018 with the vision to establish a stay-in welfare and disability centre that will cater for more than 100 people and a soup kitchen to feed vulnerable children.

Otjozondjupa Regional Swapo leadership unhappy with Red Force deal


Swapo Party's Otjozondjupa Regional Leadership urged the Grootfontein Municipality to immediately stop the execution of the contract with Red Force Debt Management.

The party's regional coordinator, Imms Namaseb, says the party will also address their councillors from the Grootfontein Municipality for non-compliance.