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Luderitz prepares for emerging industries


Luderitz Town Council is racing to upgrade the ageing electricity, water, sewerage, and transport infrastructure in preparation for the expected green hydrogen, oil, and gas industries. 

This is among the myriad of developments revealed during President Nangolo Mbumba's visit to the town.

The upgrading of the infrastructure is against the realisation that the ageing facilities are putting a strain on the services of the town, coupled with population growth.

Luderitz TC donates land to COSDEC


The donation of land measuring 6,000 square metres has given a boost to plans to construct a Community Skills Development Centre in Luderitz. 

Luderitz Town Council officially handed over the donated land to COSDEC Benguela.

COSDEC Benguela opened its doors in Luderitz in 2009, offering computer literacy and needle courses. 

The training centre, with a student intake of more than 200 per year, currently offers six TVET courses, among others in plumbing, welding, and hospitality.