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President Mbumba urges eligible voters to register before deadline


President Nangolo Mbumba has called on eligible voters to utilise the remaining days to register.

This call was amplified by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology for eligible voters to be able to exercise their civic duties come November 27th.

So far, 71% of eligible voters have registered. 

Deputy Minister of ICT Modestus Amutse delivered the ministry's statement.

Political parties called to be exemplary in conduct ahead of elections


President Nangolo Mbumba has urged the political parties to be exemplary in their conduct as the nation approaches elections.

Dr. Mbumba says the unity and stability in the country are to the benefit of every citizen, irrespective of their political party membership.

The President emphasised this during a courtesy call by the leadership of Swanu at State House.

NEKA mobilises members to register for elections


The Namibian Exile Kids Association (NEKA) has embarked on initiatives aiming at mobilising its members to register and participate in the upcoming elections.

NEKA's Executive Committee, led by its President Kadiva Hamutumwa, briefed President Nangolo Mbumba on this and other developments preoccupying the organisation a while ago at State House.

NEKA says it too is concerned over the low turnout of eligible Namibians registering to vote in the November elections.

President Mbumba advises investors to talk to ministries first


President Nangolo Mbumba has reiterated that any proposal for development projects is welcome, but said discussions must first be exhausted at the line ministries before reaching the State House.

Dr. Mbumba says this approach is crucial when decisions are taken for projects to commence to the benefit of the country.

The president's response follows a proposal by the Austrian housing project, Global Housing Solutions, which considers itself a world leader in innovative, modular building solutions for social housing.

Low voter registration turnout a concern


The low number of eligible voters registering to vote in the November elections continues to be a cause for concern.

President Nangolo Mbumba says if nothing is done over the next few weeks, the country will not have a full picture of the number of voters and risk being accused of irregularities in the election. 

Dr. Mbumba, Deputy Prime Minister John Mutorwa, and the Secretary-General of the Swapo Party met with the management and commissioners of the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN).

Schools invited to visit floating book fair at Walvis Bay


President Nangolo Mbumba says reading is a gateway to knowledge, a catalyst for imagination, and a cornerstone of education.

Speaking at the opening of the world's largest floating book fair, Logos Hope at Walvis Bay, Dr. Mbumba said reading books opens doors to new ideas and broadens one's perspective.

Represented by the Minister of Education, Arts, and Culture, Anna Nghipondoka, the president urged parents and guardians to instill a love for reading books in their children as early as possible.

Council of Churches in Namibia seeks fishing quota increase


The Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN) has appealed to the government to increase its fishing quota allocation from the current 1000 metric tonnes to 8000 metric tonnes per year.

CCN says the increase in the fishing quota allocation would enable the organisation's sustainability given the government's strained financial resources.

It has therefore submitted a letter to the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, seeking the quota increase.

SWAITEX urges Botswana, Namibia to diversify trade beyond diamonds


The Swakopmund International Trade Expo (SWAITEX) has opened with a call on Botswana and Namibia to enhance trade beyond diamonds.

During the official opening, Botswana's President, Dr. Mokgweetsi Masisi, said the bilateral trade primarily revolves around the exchange of diamonds, but a lot more can still be done.

The Presidents of Namibia and Botswana co-officiated the six-day event, aimed at promoting intra-African trade and investment.

President Nangolo Mbumba lauded the historic and modern relations between the two countries.

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | UNGA President calls Namibians to vote


The President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) encouraged Namibians to go out in numbers, exercise their constitutional rights, and register to vote in the November elections.

Dennis Francis said this during his departure at Hosea Kutako International Airport after his three-day visit to Namibia, where he held various developmental engagements.

Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic special envoy visits President Mbumba


The conflict between the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and Morocco continues to revolve around the unresolved status of Western Sahara and the delay in holding a referendum for self-determination.

Tensions persist, with sporadic violence and ongoing diplomatic efforts aimed at finding a lasting and peaceful solution to the dispute.

The special envoy of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, Ambassador Hamdi El Jalil Aali, paid a courtesy visit to President Nangolo Mbumba to provide an update on current developments in Western Sahara, which is described as a war.