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Smooth progress made with Katutura Hospital facelift


The Ministry of Works and Transport has expressed satisfaction with the progress made with the renovation of the Katutura Intermediate Hospital. 

Executive Director Esther Kaapanda visited the hospital on Friday to assess the progress of the renovations.

Katutura State Hospital was built in 1973, and the hospital has over the years experienced dilapidation, punctuated by holes in the roof, damaged walls, windows, and floors, blocked toilets, and rampant rodents, among others. 

Sesfontein faces transformation with challenges


The Councillor of the Sesfontein Constituency, Hendrick Gaobaeb, says development in the constituency is noticeable; however, more needs to be done to upgrade the road network. 

Sesfontein has developed significantly over the years, as the settlement did not have communication infrastructure or electricity, and there were no radio or television receptions until 2004.

The settlement now prides itself on having all these services, including those of the Ministries of Gender, Agriculture, and Works and a settlement office.

Rehoboth Town Council owns Reho Spa facility


The Rehoboth Town Council now owns the Reho Spa facility in the town.

Mayor Amanda Groenewaldt announced this at the council's first meeting for the year with residents of Rehoboth yesterday.

Groenewaldt said the town council obtained the title deed of the Reho Spa from the Ministry of Works and Transport, following a process involving the town council and Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR).

Groenewaldt, to the delight of the meeting attendees, said the process is now complete.