4x4 Initiative donates shoes to flood victims at Farm 508


The 4x4 Initiative Foundation has donated school shoes and pledged general support to the flood-affected families.

The relocation site at Farm 508, established by the City of Windhoek to accommodate flood victims, is beginning to take shape, with additional support pouring in from various stakeholders.

NPTH dismantling to be completed by year end


Namibia Post and Telecommunications Holdings (NPTH) has donated 22 firearms and a portion of 6 of Farm Hoop 110 in Omitara to the Namibian Police. This donation comes as the company prepares for its pending dismantling, which is expected to be completed by December 31.

Katutura East Constituency aids SMEs


The |Khomas Regional Council and the Ministry of Gender Equality have donated materials for income-generating projects valued at N$270,000 to various SMEs in an effort to tackle the high unemployment rate in the country.