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Grootfontein to relocate single-quarter residents


Grootfontein Municipality is constructing houses to relocate current single-quarter residents and for the old structure to be demolished. 

Grootfontein Municipality has started implementing some of the initiatives outlined in its Strategic Plan for 2024–2028.

The capital projects include the construction of 100 houses to cater for the relocation of residents from the single quarters.

There are 1,400 people residing in the Grootfontein Single Quarters. 

Out of the 100 houses to be constructed, more than 60 are already complete. 

Kuvukiland, Soweto residents demand better service


Residents of Tsumeb's largest informal settlements, Kuvikiland and Soweto, are demanding better living conditions and development.

This is the fifth time residents have taken to the streets and vowed to protest until their demands are met.

The community is aggrieved by the water cuts and wants their water debts to be written off.

They also want prepaid water metres installed to better manage their use, saying that because most of them are unemployed, they cannot afford rates and taxes.

Overflowing sewage causes discomfort at Oshikuku


A resident of Oshikuku Mathews Hango is furious with the Town Council for not responding on time to address an overflowing drainage that filled his yard with sewerage water.

Hango decided to take the matter to the media when the unhygienic condition of the sewerage water that formed a pool in his yard became unbearable.

He says this week the drain started overflowing.

Hango says the stench is unbearable, and council officials were informed, but they turned a blind eye to his request.

Omaheke Council aims to improve residents' living standards


The Omaheke Regional Council is aimed at improving the living standards of the local people through various interventions, such as employment creation and other capital projects. 

Speaking at the first ordinary council meeting at Gobabis, the Chairperson, Ignatius Kariseb, pointed out that agriculture is one of the key areas with immense potential to create job opportunities and address pressing social issues faced by communities, such as food insecurity.

Coastal residents grateful for free transport


Residents of the Erongo Region have voiced their appreciation for the complimentary transportation services offered to those wishing to attend the funeral of the late President.

Hage Geingob's memorial service and funeral in the capital. 

Young and old were represented by the group of residents who gathered at the regional council to board the bus destined for the capital.

Many are still reeling in shock and have expressed grief. 

They say that as the days until the burial draw near, they are forced to come to terms with reality.

Otavi residents honour Dr Geingob with a candlelight service


Given the rich history and connections of the late President Hage Geingob to the town of Otavi, the town's residents gathered for a candlelight service to comfort one another.

Hage Geingob was born on a farm, 62 km outside of Otavi, and started school at Shalom Primary School, formerly known as Rynse Sending Skool.

His late mother and grandmother are both buried at Otavi, where he still has family members.

Otjiwarongo residents use open municipal land to plant crops


Residents of Otjiwarongo have been planting vegetables in open spaces in the town to address food insecurity.

Even though they understand that they cannot put up permanent structures on municipal land, the residents have started planting on the available land.

This is done in a manner that is normally practiced on farms or villages, where households wake up as early as six o'clock to either plough or sow in their fields.

Gardens can be seen on the outskirts of Otjiwarongo's informal settlements, with some residents busy ploughing.

|Khomas leaders reponds to Dordabis' infight


The |Khomas regional council has reacted to the call by Dordabis residents by dispatching boots on the ground to fix the broken-down water infrastructure.

The small community of the settlement embarked on a land-grabbing spree on Thursday before a physical fight broke out due to illegal water connections, which resulted in the breakage of water pipes and underground cylinders.

On Friday, the mood of the residents was different from the violent one exhibited the day before.

INTERVIEW | Dordabis residents in land conflict


Residents of Dordabis settlement in Windhoek Rural Constituency yesterday ended up in an all-out brawl over land.

The conflict started with a group of disgruntled individuals who decided to illegally occupy state-owned land and put up structures, much to the annoyance of another group, who insisted they follow the processes in place.

nbc News reporter Emil Seibeb shares more from Dordabis, where a community meeting was held in response to the conflict.