Otjiwarongo residents use open municipal land to plant crops


Residents of Otjiwarongo have been planting vegetables in open spaces in the town to address food insecurity.

Even though they understand that they cannot put up permanent structures on municipal land, the residents have started planting on the available land.

|Khomas leaders reponds to Dordabis' infight


The |Khomas regional council has reacted to the call by Dordabis residents by dispatching boots on the ground to fix the broken-down water infrastructure.

Walvis Bay residents and visitors are bored


Residents and visitors in Walvis Bay expressed discontent with a lack of entertainment, saying it is dull compared to previous years.

During interviews conducted by the nbc News crew at Independence Beach, individuals shared their sentiments about the perceived lack of vibrant activities. 

Groot Aub residents unhappy with City of Windhoek


Groot Aub residents say they no longer have confidence in the City of Windhoek to deliver services.

They now want to handle their own administration for faster development at the settlement.

Rural youth hope for survival of Kayengona beach


Residents of Kayengona in Kavango East are concerned about the way 'day visitors' behave at some sections of the river.

They are worried that if the situation persists, it could have irreversible consequences for the area's biodiversity.

INTERVIEW | Water Canal revamp in northern Namibia


Residents of Oluthalweegolo, Uuvudhiya, and Ondjungulume villages are rejoicing as the revamped Water Canal's water flow has brought relief to both humans and livestock.